

OH!!!  I didn't know how to see the comments!!!  Just thought I was out there posting for myself when My Dear Husband told me that he had left a comment for me on the Eyebrows.  That got me started trying to find it - AND I DID!  How much fun to read all your thoughts!  Thanks!  Not sure how to respond to them really...more learning required, I guess.  Be patient - I'll get it eventually!

1985 APRON - Confession:  I did sadly wonder why no one wanted it when I do think it's so adorable, myself.  Of course, I'm biased.  Krissy left the best story on her 1985. Here it is:
In 1985 I was 4 years old and big things were happening.(haha)Mom had Donnie, whom I carefully named Toto and then dressed like a girl. We moved into a new house where one of the most impressive things was the steps: we could slide down the banister over and over like our own playground indoors and more importantly at night you could sit at the top and watch the reflection of the TV off the window on the landing!! great stuff. 

Thanks, Krissy!  Love the nickname for Donnie - I'll have to try to remember to use that on him, just once, though.  I'll mail the apron to you this week!  Should I try another give away?


1 comment:

  1. See, and I couldn't think of any important happenings in 1985. My own sister. Geesh.

    Do another give away, do another give away!!!


Thank you for taking the time to send your thoughts my way. I love to hear from you!