
Signs of Life in the Tubs

Found these tubs in the basement when we moved into this house 14 years ago. They're old style wash tubs. Every year, I plant them with annuals and enjoy their color in different combinations. (Not lantana  - too leggy for containers, I think.) Last season, I loaded them with perennials from the garden - extra hosta, lamb's ear, daylily, etc., from the garden beds. These were small, since perennials start small, right, but this year they might be just the right gorgeous size! It would be so nice to have the containers already mostly filled when it comes time for buying annuals! I'd be able to buy just a few of the really nice, showy annuals for color - the ones I usually skip because I need quantity. 

There's a big IF, though. Above ground perennials in containers, metal containers, usually freeze. Ugh! I mulched these really heavily with leaf mulch, hoping to avoid the freezing, and I'm hovering over them watching for signs of life after snow and ice!  So far, I can report that the lamb's ear is showing signs of life, as is the sedum that you can see hanging down on the left tub-front. The daylilies are a no-show so far, while those in the beds are far up, already!  Maybe a case of TOO much mulch...  Will keep you updated.

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