
Birthday Markers and the Sky Swing

Just a couple more yard photos. These peonies mark my Middle Son's birthday. Each of our sons has a birthday marker. When the peonies start to sprout, we start counting the weeks until his big day. When the ants start "working" on the blooms, we know it's only days away! I don't know if they're really working on the blooms, but it really does seem like they are, and it was fun to tell boys this when they were little. My Oldest knows his birthday is coming as soon as the maple leaves start turning colors, and My Youngest watches for the first lightning bug to flash - then it's almost time for his birthday.

I was trying to take a picture of  this big peony bloom, but my camera took a different photo! I got a picture of the Sky Swing in the background. Last year, My Wonderful Husband bought a wooden swing as a birthday gift for me. We've always had one, everywhere we've lived, but they do get old and rotten out in the weather, so we haven't had one for a couple of years. Under the sweet gum tree is the perfect place for one. I painted it sky blue and still have plans to letter a sky scripture on its slats - just for fun. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of sky Scripture. What about this from Genesis 22:17: "I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore." It gives you reason to get up in the morning!

    I like your explanation of the ants. It makes sense, doesn't it?


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