
Moss Love

Moss.  I love moss! This is the mossy time of year out in my garden. I know that I'm supposed to clear the moss away, since it isn't good for the ground and tends to smother more lovely  plants. But somewhere in my brain there bounces the phrase and image of "moss-lined baskets". This small phrase influences me greatly. I am well aware that this is odd. My mom always said that I read too much, and this may be true. Very likely, actually.
Moss photo above was taken a the Cincinnati Zoo.  Do you believe that my sons thought it was unusual to see Mom trying to get a good shot of moss on a rock wall?  They didn't look at me twice. They already know me too well!
This photo taken on a hike near Kentucky Lake - ??? - some lake in Kentucky. The hike, again straight uphill, was grueling, and this moss was just glowing. Can you tell that it's in its reproductive phase? Yes, it is!  See those spikey bits - they're called ....nevermind.  You can read about it here, if you don't have any dustbunnies to catch, like Kentucky Kate.   How do I know this freakish bit of information? I took a graduate course on MOSS.  Yes. Did I think it was a waste of time? Did I rail against the seemingly useless knowledge imparted to me during that long, hot, summer course? NO  It was an easy 3 hours of credit, which I had to have. I was grateful, since the course on Modern Television Viewing was closed.  ;0)

And I learned to love moss!

1 comment:

  1. You're supposed to clear moss away?!? We actually ordered several little clumps of the stuff to plant! I love it, too. I think of it in a very romantic, cobblestones and clippity-clopping horses, damsel in distress sort of way. And according to my mother, I read too much, too. Instead of being grounded like other kids, my mom made me go outside and play. No books.


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