
Are You Lookin' at Me?

Wouldn't this make a great greeting card?  My Middle Son took this of himself and I found it later while scrolling through photos. Too funny!  That's my Middle Son's specialty - doing things that make us all crack up. It's a gift to our whole family!

He's older now, and things are not as funny - - - at least not for him.  We still  find ourselves cracking up, usually not when  he's trying to be funny, but when he, poor soul, is being a typical teenager. What was upsetting/puzzling/baffling when we experienced life with our first teenager is not affecting us as dramatically this time around, and we are able to laugh a little more at our circumstances. 

It's laugh or cry, people, am I right? I'm choosing laughter!


  1. I love that picture! And I'm with you. I'm choosing laughter.

  2. It's a great image. Maybe you could assign greetings card production to him?! My sons are so different I'm not sure we can apply what we learned with one to the other. It would be easier if we could!

  3. That is a great shot. And you are so right... you gotta choose laughter!


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