
A Little Crack

Give a ten-year old a camera and sit him in the back of a truck on a long drive .... and you're likely to get a picture of a crack. What crack --- whose crack, you wonder???

The crack of his own arm, of course! Aim the camera just right, and any parent might be fooled into thinking they'd found a photo of some other kind of crack in the photo cache.
Oh, the joys!


  1. toilet humour - love it. thanks for stopping by!

  2. Ha!!! Love it!
    That's a very creative 10 year old you have!

  3. This is one of kel's favorite tricks to... what do you think that says about her?

  4. Don't you just love boys?! Even though I only have one daughter, I've had the pleasure of loving 2 nephews who made life fun.

    This is great.

  5. Just so you don't go convincing yourself that they'll grow up eventually - this exact same thing happened when my husband and his best friend were left alone with my cell phone for five minutes. Suddenly my front picture was a butt crack (or so one would assume) and there were two grown and bearded men standing by chortling.


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