
Sharing the Zoo

I found it! Spring growth at the zoo! Surely not, I thought, but when I agreed to the Friday field trip, this is what I was really hoping to see - and there it was - everywhere! My Youngest became quite impatient at having to tug me away from bending over what looked like just patches of blank ground as I searched for spring sprouts. He thought we were there to study animals.

This brings new meaning to the saying, "I've got my eyes on you!" An appropriate saying when they were toddlers, it was, but not as useful with teenagers. Do I really want to see that much so clearly? Hmmmm....no.

This squirrel harrassed us as we ate our packed lunch. Apparently there are good reasons for the signs that say, Please DON'T feed the animals. In cages or out. This little guy was poised, more than once, to grab our bag and make for cover. Can you see him in the background peeking out?

Is this a Narnian bird or not? I'm thinking it might have been.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know the name of the bird. Obviously a species we don't have here. But I love the colour. Looks like turquoise!


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