
Thanksgiving Imaginations

If I ever get to host the Thanksgiving ...
(with random fall photos)
Doesn't this look like a face???

 Right now we celebrate with our parents and siblings. Every year, I add to the feast - whatever anyone wants me to bring. This year, I'm just finishing the stuffing and mashed potato dish - WONDERFUL smells are wafting through the house! The stuffing has a diced apple from a Dear Friend's tree! 
No, we've never had apple in the stuffing before, and Yes, that might turn out to be controversial. What's a family gathering without a little controversy??? And if the raised eyebrows are ONLY over alternative stuffing ingredients, then we shall be truly blessed!
ANYway, if the celebration ever comes my way ...
And just how would that occur? Every year, I deliberately turn away from considering the mechanics involved in that. 

So - when that eventually happens, I have plans.

We will sing the doxology
Either before the prayer, after the prayer, or maybe even instead of the prayer! 

We would definitely include the kernels of corn tradition. I think just knowing that you're going to share something for which you're grateful would cause every person to seriously consider the many, many options available. 
And that would be time well spent.

OK - do you think the doxology is going too far? But it's so beautiful. And ancient. And traditional.  
That just makes it a WIN WIN WIN!  Yes, I was wavering, but the Doxology stays. 

It's firm.
Oh the dreams we dream about days ahead!
I know it is highly unlikely that the future Thanksgivings of my imaginations
will actually occur. And in knowing that, it's safe to dream.

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