
Life Specs

 The older I get, the sharper the focus on my life specs. 

Life specs? You have them, too. 
It's the way you see the world.
The way you see life.
The way you see YOUR life. 

How do you choose to view the twists and turns of life here--as 
random splashes of blessing mixed with strokes of bad luck? 
Perhaps you believe with me that there is a greater plan

Right now, life has become a rougher ride than I enjoy, 
and my specs have been bounced around. 
But I'm holding fast to the good news that God's grand plan 
is always going forward without a hitch. 

Will you hold on with me? 
Find out more here and here


A Worthwhile Practice


I haven't been the best student, but 
the Lord has been teaching me about this discipline ... 
my entire life. 
* dogwood blossoms turned to berries

Living where there's a turn of the seasons provides plenty 
of opportunities to cultivate a grateful heart. 
*heavenly blue morning glories on the courtyard trellis

In seasons of grief and loss, it helps me to look 
outward and upward, instead of inward. 
I've spent a lot of time outside on my one-acre, 
deliberately searching out beauty and 
stubbornly seeking the wonders He's provided. 
*sweetgum leaves as individual works of art

Gratitude is a practice I intend to continue.
How do you cultivate a grateful heart? 

* More about living a thankful life here


Don't Squash My Joy

The leaves may be changing early because of drought, it's true. 
"Look, there's some fall color!"
"Naw, that's just the drought. (pause to spit) 
Those trees are a'dying, don't ya know." 

Please, don't squash my small autumn joy. 
Look past the drought--try harder--there's some fall color!
Sweetgum trees always rush to send out 
their first-of-fall ambassadors. 

Some zinnias sport season-long 
shades of orange. 

And nasturtium, well, I guess they take the prize. 
Especially if they're studded with water droplets. 

Droplets from my water hose, because 
don't ya know--
we're in a drought.