
Our Trees Were Made of Glass

For a few days our trees were made of glass and dusted with powder. When the wind blew through them, they made a thick, crackly sound and seemed to spark sunshine. Since we didn't lose power, I enjoyed every minute!

All around our little acre of ground, such beautiful sights! This old mimosa seed pod hanging on from last season got to be all dressed up and shine for a few bright days. There's a lot to be said, I guess, for holding on, even if all the other pods fall away... Now, sadly, it will never be noticed at all, since the ice has melted away.

Dear old Annabelle - also dressed up for a few days! Encased in slick ice-glass, it didn't get to have the sun shining through its branches for a big show of sparkly light. It's on the darker side of the house. You have to be determined to appreciate it's quieter charm.

If this just a tiny little taste of the beauty that is possible, just think of what we will see in heaven where beauty will be on stunning display at every turn! It will make these views seem like a walk through a barren desert!
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him..." 1 Corinthians 2:9

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing the world around me dressed up in an icy coat! I remember an ice storm when I was a little girl....we carefully took the "ice cups" off the fence posts, and filled them with snow. My best friend's grandfather poured maple syrup on top...we enjoyed our icy treat!


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