
Don't Be a Girly Gardener!

Chinese wisteria seed pods.  My neighbor has them growing along our fence line. They are beautiful when they bloom and wonderfully fragrant. She carefully tended the vines for a few years, and now doesn't keep them so carefully.  These vines have to be aggressively pruned in order to control their invasive nature. If you don't prune them, you'll rue them! Ha - I made that up, and it almost rhymes! I amaze myself...ha.   

Anyway, that's what you get, right? I mean, doesn't it make sense? Extravagant, glorious blooms only come at a high price of sweaty pruning and constant oversight! (and that'll preach, too...)  I'll send you some of these seeds by mail, if you'd be brave enough to try this plant - it grows very quickly, so you'd have a nice plant in a couple of years. Lovely, fuzzy, green twining vines with perfumed, pendulous racemes

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh I love wisteria, how does it grow? I would love to have it grow up the back fence. Its wooden, do you think it would work? Its actually the neighbors fence but since we are forced to tend his yard for him because he neglects it (joe mows his yard and trims his hedge and he never says anything) I don't think he will care if I have a flower growing on my side of it.


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