
Cheerful Volunteers

Who doesn't love a cheerful volunteer? These containers were put under shelter during the fall and winter months with a light mulch. You know I only watered them very sparsely. And now look!
FREE planters, all ready finished and bursting with life! In colors I know I like, because I picked them myself last year.
Did I emphasize strongly enough that they were FREE?


  1. WHAT!! Those ALL came back from last year. Please do a tutorial on how you did this. I'm not kidding.

  2. Gorgeous! I love your old pots too. I too am partial to gardening on the cheap, and am finding all sorts of ways to develop the garden by recycling plants and finding badly positioned ones to relocate to somewhere better. But as for over-wintering - I have to admit it isn't something I do very well...

  3. I love free ~ those pots look great!!
    Aren't volunteers the best!?


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