

This lovely lily is just outside our bedroom door. In passing, I noticed a cluster of bugs milling around on the bloom. I'm interested in bugs, only in the garden, NOT in my house. If they're found in the house, they just get some Instant Death, but it's a peek at creation in action to observe them out in the garden, where they should be. Since it's unusual to see bugs around the patio garden containers, so I stopped to look more closely.
Don't you think they look like red ants? But their antennae are too long...
And they're bristly little guys with perky body shapes and nice long legs. Aren't they cute!?
They're leaf-footed bug nymphs. Adorable as they are, I shook them off the lily and ran away before they could light on me.


  1. Awsome pictures. You have a steady hand.

  2. "...bristly little guys with perky body shapes and nice long legs. Aren't they cute!?"

    Hmmm...no, not so much! Kudos to you for getting close enough to shake them off!

  3. Krissy - I love that you thought that! I did, too - they even look 'storybook'.

  4. i love lilies, and those colours are just gorgeous! those bugs look like they might STiNG!!!

  5. Beautiful lily, but I'm afraid I don't want to look too closely at the others! I'm fine with photographing bees but that's where my insect relationship ends!


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