It's time for each bauble to find its box.
I don't mind the tree making its exit, since its shedding like a mangy dog,
flinging needles dangerously close to the eye,
and Husband says its been a fire hazard for about two weeks already.
That tree must have been cut in .... September?
And all the Christmas what-nots - I'm so glad to see them go!
It's time for snowflakes to appear inside!

Happy New Year!
May 2013 be the year in which you move more steadily forward instead of backward;
the year that finds you receiving as well as giving;
the year you find yourself finally more often thankful than desirous.
And if you find yourself making resolutions, even though you say you don't -
join me in keeping these things in mind:
throwing off
springing forth,
fresh mornings
new creations
Find these things, which are worthy of some January pondering, here.
A very Happy New Year to you too. My decorations won't come down until Sunday. January 6th is the traditional day for taking them down in the UK. I think a lot of people do it after New Year but I like to put them up a little later than most and then leave them up until the 'proper' day! Enjoy your snowflakes!