
A Pop of Squill

Our home was built by a  returning WWII veteran, in the late 1940s. I grew up not more than a mile from my someday home and even visited here as a child in the 1970s. I remember clinging close by my dad's dungarees, unable to see over the counter, while he bought tomato plants from the owner of what was then the local garden nursery. When we moved here twenty-four years later, every raised bed sported a stubborn, and somewhat evil, grass and weed mixture. 

With our almost two-year-old son needing lots of fresh air,  I was often outside. Digging in the dirt seemed to appeal to both of us since there were plenty of bugs and worms to examine and and collect. We sang nursery tunes while the work of establishing gardens progressed. He danced his toddler jigs around our little acre, and I cleared grass and broke clods. We played the 'question game', while I raked and planted - he was always happy to  water. Every spring and summer, a few more yards of the long  garden beds were reclaimed from grass and planted with perennials, bulbs and flowering bushes.
Finally the day came when the last bed was cleared and planted - what a victory!

I planted the bulbs for these spring blooms late one fall when my pregnant belly was almost too big for me to fold over and dig the holes. Now twenty years later,  the wind flower has spread to make a beautiful carpet of bloom and the squill pops in as a little extra reminder of the beauty of a spring resurrection.

Side Thoughts:
- The reclaiming and planting of the garden beds was hard work. Sometimes I ended up in bed with all my muscles aching, and trembling in every limb. 
- Even though it was stinky, dirty work, I was happy to do it. No one TOLD me to do it, and no one has ever prompted me to 'get back to it'. 
- Part of the enjoyment is in the sharing of the results with my sons, my husband, as well as my family and friends. What fun it's been over the years to help a new gardener establish her flower beds!
- I made lots of mistakes in beginning, but the trial and error aspect has always been part of the fascination and satisfaction. 
- If a venture* turns out to be a burden, no longer filled with joy and interest, is it worth pursuing? 
- Does age make a difference in the discarding of an undertaking that's turned into a burden?
- Should perceived success have any role in the same decision?

* I'm not pondering responsibilities here, which are must do - as unto the Lord
 and, as we all know, usually involve difficulty and perseverance.


  1. oh i love this post. i wish we could sit in your garden and talk about such things. i love the way your mind thinks...

  2. Gardening is good for the soul on so many levels. Once spring arrives, my indoor chores are sadly neglected as I find endless excuses to putter in the garden. Thankfully, my family puts up with it. They do enjoy the flowers and veggies, too. To be involved in growth and creation seems to me to be emulating the Creator.


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