
Bend, Bow, Bloom

Secrets to a 'sucessful' life are strewn around the garden like unfound Easter eggs, 
waiting for someone to point, squint and nod.
Consider the poppy with me as we stroll along, coffee mugs in hand.
What an odd posture for a spring flower! It is completely unlike its compadres which 
produce blooms that shoot almost frantically from the still chilly earth, 
stretching to point straight at guilty sun. 
The poppy bloom appears quietly, amid furry foliage at the end of a silky stem, 
then immediately bends to bow in the most discreet and humble way. 
And it stays bowed  until the time is right to shed its sepals and SHINE.




(and only in that order)

1 comment:

  1. Love poppies....all the more now!
    I have a watercolor of poppies in my home. Hopefully I remember the verse each time I see it.


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