
Love In Action

So how is it going with your Christmas Good Deed? 
It's one of our traditions, carried over from  the little boy days
During the Christmas season, we encouraged them look for some task, 
a good deed, they could perform -- Little Drummer Boy style
I know, I know - the Little Drummer Boy is not in the Bible, 
purely an invention of Arthur Rankin and Jules Bass. 
But the value of the story made it a vehicle for real-life
growth and learning for my sons during the Christmas season.

The search for a Christmas Good Deed was taken pretty seriously by my guys, 
poor boys that they were, and they still remember a few:
taking a last-minute part in the children's holiday play (with lines),
packing bags of treats for county jail inmates,
offering to help a woman with car troubles in a superstore parking lot,
delivering food to needy families and including a spontaneous song

Now that they're mostly grown, I can't help them find their good deed; 
there's no opportunity to hold hands along the way and share courage.
So I watch for my own Christmas Good Deed and talk about my search 
during mealtimes, or between plays during Sunday afternoon football.

How great would it be to find them carrying on the tradition of 
Christmas Good Deed with their own someday families?


Favorite Drummer Boy Quote: 
"Your gift ... given out of the simple desperation of a pure love, is the one favored above all." 
That's worth pondering. 
So are these verses that support the concept of a Christmas Good Deed. 

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