
Quietly Snoring

It's cold out here in Kentucky.
Don Juan climbing rose drooping and encased in ice.

It's a time of barren landscapes after the festivities of December.
I feel a certain camaraderie with the cool, bleak landscape. 
Neither of us have much to say right now and hardly anything to offer. 

But I know that life is sleeping out there in the gardens, not dead, 
just quietly snoring, preparing for the next season

God is about to do a new thing in my life.
What about yours?


  1. God is definitely doing new things in my life...from e-commerce to social media and ministering in certain ways. It's truly is amazing how He can change you and your life when you totally surrender your life to Him.

  2. So true, D'Saki! And always a change for the best, too.


Thank you for taking the time to send your thoughts my way. I love to hear from you!