

An odd thing happens to me, pretty frequently—
people mistake me for someone else.
I know it's probably happening when I get that first "double-take" glance. 
 But when a perfect stranger sends a probing gaze directly into my face
and takes hesitant steps in my direction,
it's for sure—another false reunion is about to go down:

Excuse me, but did you deal cards in Vegas?
Have you ever lived in Tennessee?
Aunt Kay ... is that you?
And my favorite: 
Were you a judge, because you look exactly like the one who sent me to jail. 

I'd love to answer, "Well, yes!" just to see what would happen.
Instead, I've always tried to ease the flustered embarrassment that results from my no
"Don't worry, it happens all the time. I'm common looking." 

It happened again at a recent writer's conference, 
but this time, the words stuck in my throat.
 We truly are unique in the Father's eyes—
I may be one among many that look crazily similar, 

* Photos of my Black-Eyed Susans, which really do seem 
to look exactly the same.


  1. Susan, I get that often as well. How grateful that in God's eyes we are so much more than common. Thank you for reminding me. I love your beautiful flowers!

  2. Thanks, Callie! So glad to have you visit here. :0)


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