
When Inspiration Strikes

Clean out and throw away!
Okay, lots of times we give away instead of throw away. 
I'm not sure Goodwill appreciates it, but that's not the point. 
It's a hard fact that we can't keep adding to our nest 
without pushing some stuff over the edge and into a Goodwill bin.

And so, please consider the wagon in the photo. 
This rusty Radio Flyer's done its time here on our one acre. It's hauled plants, 
kids, weapons of Nerf warfare, and more plants. 
During the spring greenhouse clean-up, 
I declared it finished ... mort ... trash-day fodder.
"Take it to the garbage," I instructed my doubtful crew of two. 

The beat-up wagon spent quite a few weeks upended near the garbage cans  
waiting for a final trip, this time for roadside collection.
But then, just in time—inspiration struck. 
 And now it has a new life as garden hardscape.

* * *
Other inspirational sights from our getaway to Madison, Indiana: 

I'd like to replicate this shutter's rubbed-off, old blue on our upcoming garden gate.

We have a mostly-forgotten, single oar to add to the playground platform. 
I just need a good slogan ... 
send suggestions!

This canvas placed in the top three items we considered buying as 
 an anniversary gift to ourselves. 

The arc created by these doortops is what I'd like in a garden gate. 
Side note: Doors are unreasonably expensive right now.

* * *
And a final photo of us on our thirty-third anniversary -

We stayed at the Iron Gate Inn and are happy to highly recommend it.
They provided comfy accommodations and an excellent breakfast. 
This ponderable message was just inside the door—

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