
Caption Possibilities

Homeschool - what a bonding experience.

Take off your shoes before coming in the house!

Do I smell dog puke?

That's a lie...Obama did NOT win the election!

Who got pee on the ceiling?

Only 15% off at Kohl's coupon, not 30%!

Did you just roll your eyes at me?

Who ate the last piece of Dove chocolate?

9 bazillion texts over your limit???

All those nudes at the art museum...

Marshmallows all stuck together in the bag.

Was that a tone I heard in your voice?

They say blogging can be like therapy...

(feel free to add your own caption)


  1. ha! Love the first caption, it's my favorite. And I totally love that picture. I'd come up with another caption, but I'm really, really bad at that. It would probably be right out of my dad's mouth and have something to do with constipation so I'd better just leave it alone!


  2. All of these are great. But that photo is priceless!

  3. My caption would have to be
    "What you talkin' bout Willis?"

    That picture is too cute!!

    Thanks for visiting By His Grace. I do hope you will you come again soon!


  4. "Be my valentine or I'll slap you with these flowers!"

  5. I love the flowers!! This kid is one of my personal favorites. You know my husband still to this day calls him "Say goodbye to my TT's Kid"


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