I don't see myself as a "face reader". Most of the time, I believe that people can hide their true feelings from the world with a pleasantly blank, bland expression. (This is not a talent of mine, unfortunately.) But I do believe that all of us search the faces of those we love, looking for signs. Signs of happiness or sadness, signs of laughter or anger, signs of health or illness, contentment or restlessness, approval or disapproval...
So many signs to look for! Sadly, I'm always ready to see signs of some negative emotion in the faces of others, when I really look. Don't know why, I'm just confessing. Believe me, I've examined this attitude in myself, and asked the Lord to turn my heart in the right direction. I've found that His word says that I need to seek His face, and stop looking for signs of love in the faces of all the other imperfect people that surround me. The Bible says that His love toward me is perfect, and unfailing. "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God..." 1 John 3:1 For this I am so grateful, and it is a daily effort to train my mind and heart to really believe this - all the way down on the inside!
But, listen - just look how he's looking at me!
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