
A Giant

I know I'm at risk of becoming the writer of a Spider Horror Blog.
But this is just too significant to leave out.
Too remarkable to NOT remark!
At least this one was not in our house! It lived out by the fire pit in a really nice, cozy hole in the ground. Lots of ideas went around about how to see just how big it really was, since we could only see its eyes glowing eerily from the bottom of its hole and the occasional stretching of a leg in our direction. The group settled on digging the whole hole up and forcing it out into this jar. What a tidy plan! ha. ha. ha. I'd post the video, but it's a little TOO real life. So for those of you not living the Real Life yet, I'll refrain.
You're welcome.
Can't pass up an opportunity for a good dare.
And this is about as brave as we get around here - with spiders, that is.
Husband suggested I trot the hairy bad boy (with 8 legs) up to the extension office for ID.
But I think I'll pass on a car ride with this mini-monster.
May this be the last spider entry of the year.

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