
Catkin Season

"The catkins are out on the pussy willow tree."
This said only in spring, and probably just once per season. 
But I always say itcan't wait to say it—because it's a SURE SIGN. 

Once the catkins are out, friends, there's no stuffing them back ... and no stopping spring. 
Yes, it might still snow—probably will snow—but 
these silky buds contradict temporary setbacks.

Maybe you're enjoying a catkin season of life, when hints of something wonderful 
 are peeking out everywhere? It's a good place to be, for sure, 
and happens at every life stage. I'd love to hear about it.

Click here for more about this specimen in my garden 
or here to learn more about the care of your own. 


  1. Nice photography on these pussy willows Susan. I love the catkin season. It brings on the migrating warblers. You are a good writer. You should post more often.
    Please visit my site: Walk With Father Nature.
    Richard Havenga


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