
Almost-Fall Words to Share

It's pink diamond hydrangea season on our Kentucky acre. 
Piled in this old silver-plated stand, their rural elegance shines.
TIp: If you cut these after the petals feel papery-dry, 
they'll stay lovely through the fall, until you throw them 
out and deck the halls for Christmas.
And they pair so well with ghostly-white pumpkins

Small ball gourds--scrubbed, polished, and ready for purchase
This one with the twig wreath opening is a favorite.
Lots of time to ponder while scrubbing gourds ... 

And one of four tiny hooligan pumpkins that the deer missed, grown 
from last year's seeds. 

Who does not enjoy saying hooligan pumpkin?
I'll be repeating that the rest of the day.

This from a person who chooses paint 
colors based on the chip titles ... 
It's why September Fog is on the walls in our guest room. 

Words, my friends, make all the difference. 


  1. I have been enjoying seeing the pinkish hydrangeas as I drive around. Mine is rather floppy but several people have nice ones in a small tree form. I also bring in the dry clusters to enjoy over the fall and winter. Great name for the HOOligan pumpkin. Take care.

  2. Thank you, Jenny! Our pink diamond started out so small, but now it's tree sized. I can't even reach the tallest branches. :0) I pray your fall is wonderful, friend.


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