
Treasure Up

I broke up the traditional huddle of our nativity scene and carted off the members to stand on their own around our house. After so many, many years of seeing them all in their every-Christmas positions, I want to see them, to consider them, with some fresh perspective. 

Mary is holding a spot on the fireplace mantel in our bedroom, so I can see her often. I know I've
talked about her here before, but  we have so much to learn from Mary!
It would be an understatement to say that this young woman's life was turned upside
down and inside out, starting with the appearance of an angel in her childhood 
home on some ordinary day long ago. Was she stirring the afternoon meal? 
Maybe folding linens near her sleeping mat?
Was she in the back garden with her hands in the soil?
"Greetings, oh favored one ...!"    
Becoming the mother of the Savior of the world must've been  stressful,  to say the least. 
We are given a peek at one way she may have coped - 
"But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart." 
Is it just me, or does this tiny nativity figurine seem to be demonstrating exactly that?
I think a stance of adoration toward the Christ child must have been the actual intention 
of the producers of this set, but
separated from the manger scene and all of the other creche characters ... I think 
Mary might be doing some pondering! Not only pondering, but both times this verse is repeated
 in Luke 2, the phrase 'treasured up' is mentioned in lots of other translations.
This season when the stress gets high, when the overwhelming-ness of the LISTS
seems to be too much, I want to, like Mary, fold my hands instead of wringing them and take a moment or two, or 23, to ponder. More frequent intermissions dedicated to 'treasuring up' might help 
me focus on things that really matter and allow me to worship more effectively this Christmas


  1. I found it interesting that you have Mary next to a clock. I think of Mary waiting for the time of her baby's birth. Is she wondering about what will happen to her son as time goes on? Is she pondering that this is a special time in history? The clock even has bells on it, to joyfully ring out the Saviour's birth.

  2. I love that, Jenny! Who knew Mary was so well placed?


  3. Oh my goodness...I really needed the reminder to take a moment (or more)to ponder and 'treasure up'. I'm afraid I've been quilty of a little bit of hand wringing these days. Thank you Sue! Thank you to Jenny as well. I love her comment!


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