
Unashamed Shepherds

 I broke up the traditional huddle of our nativity scene and carted off the members to stand on their own around our house. After so many years of seeing them all in their every-Christmas positions, I want to see them, to consider them, with some fresh perspective. 

The shepherd boys pass the days of the Holiday in the dining room window, with their sheep nearby.
In our set of the Nativity, these two shepherd 'young men' are standing with the sheep, 
while one clearly older shepherd fellow has fallen to his knees. 
This, I think seems so true to life. The older we get, the more strongly we feel our need for a Savior, and the more it makes sense to just fall on our knees in acceptance, gratitude and praise!
The shepherds were the first to hear that their Messiah had been born, and not
in some ordinary way. A "multitude of the heavenly host" came along to announce
the Good News! No room for doubts or misgivings, and no matter their age, they "hurried" into town to see the newborn Savior. They "told everyone" about their experience and what they had
found following their obedience to the heavenly directions.
Oh! That I might share the Good News with the complete abandon of a shepherd boy!
How would Christmas change if my boldest move was much more than a cheeky 'Merry Christmas'? 
What if I shared, with shepherd-like excitement, my experience of a calling from Heaven
 and my discovery of the much-needed,  just-in-time Savior? 
* Don't you think the sheep look a little smug? *
** Click HERE to read the shepherds' story **

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